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Regular attendance at school promotes pupils’ well-being and gives them the best chance of learning and reaching their potential. Pupils should attend school every day the school is open unless the reason for the absence is unavoidable.
Raise Your Child’s Attendance, Raise Their Chances! 

Contact details for attendance 

Email: office@hadrianacademy.co.uk
Phone: 01582 618400
Family Worker and Attendance: Sarah Norris
Senior Leader for Attendance: Marion Auker (VP & DDSL)

 Good attendance is important because pupils:

  • get on better with learning and other children;
  • cope better with school routines, work and friendships;
  • find learning easier because they do not miss out;
  • are more successful moving between primary school, secondary school, higher education and employment or training;
  • are know to be safe and well by us.

Research shows a direct link between high attendance and doing well at school. All children have the right to an education. We encourage and expect 100% attendance for all pupils. 


Attendance Responsibilities 

Hadrian will:

  • tell pupils and parents the importance of being at school;
  • check that pupils are at school every day;
  • follow up and check the absence of persistent non-attenders;
    • phone home on the first day of absence to check where absent children are
    • follow up an explained absence by phone call and email, and meetings for persistent absentees
  • aim for an attendance rate of at least 97%. Pupils who are under school age, in Nursery or Reception, are treated in the same way as all other children;
  • monitor school attendance data of individual and groups and target our support towards removing barriers to attendance for individuals and groups who need it most;
  • discuss poor attendance with parents to understand any barriers the pupil or family might be facing;
  • facilitate support for families to help remove identified barriers to attendance.  Where absence persists and support offered iz not engaged with, wwe will communicate  the consequences to paretns.  This may include formalising support through a parenting contract;
  • when all avenues of support have been exhausted and support has not worked or being engaged with, the Local Authority can enforce attendance through prosecution to protect a pupil's right to an education;
  • share and discuss attendance data with the Governing Board on a termly basis.


  • by law, must ensure that their child attends school;
  • should arrange dental and doctor’s appointments out of school hours or during school holidays, whenever possible;
  • make sure that their child arrives on time between 8.45am and 9am, when classroom doors are open for ‘soft-start’;
    • or if they arrive after 9am, sign-in at the school office;
  • should contact the school on the first day their child is away from school.


Pupils should arrive and be collected from school on time:

  • registration is at 8.45am, for all children from Reception to Year 6.  Pupils can go straight to their classroom from 8.45am;
  • pupils arriving after 9.00am have to sign in at the school office and are given a late mark.  Arrive after 9.30am is recorded as an unauthorised absence.  Remember as well that late arrival can cause children to feel anxious or upset;