Cool Kids Club
The Club is open to all children attending Hadrian Academy from reception to year 6.
At the Cool Kids Club we provide a quality, friendly, relaxed environment for children, under the care of qualified staff. It is managed under the auspices of the Governors of Hadrian Academy.
We appreciate that after a full day at school that children need time to relax, chat and play with their friends. They enjoy a wide range of activities, some planned and some for self-selection. Children are able to choose how they wish to spend their time. The activities include drawing, painting and other craft activities, construction, jigsaws, books, board games, computer etc, as well as outside activities when the weather permits.
Alongside various activities, we also provide breakfast in the morning and a snack in the afternoon. We aim to help each child to reach their ‘5 a day’ portions of fruit and veg by including these items in our snack menu.
Before School
Breakfast Menu (sample)
- Weetabix, Shredded Wheat, Rice Krispies, Coco pops or Corn Flakes
- Yoghurt
- Variety of fresh fruit
- Milk, water or pure orange juice
After School

Afternoon Snack (sample)
- Biscuit
- Fresh fruit
- Juice or water
Afternoon 4.30pm Snack (sample)
Bread sticks and fruit
Breakfast Club
The club runs from 7.30 – 8.45am and the cost is £4.50
After School Club
Session 1) 3.15pm – 4.30pm costs £4.50
Session 2) 3.15pm – 5.25pm costs £7.50
Session 3) 4.15pm - 5.25pm costs £4.50 (after an extra curricular club)
The fees above include a light breakfast/snack and a drink, so children do not need to bring food and drink with them. There is no registration fee. For full details please download our prospectus.