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Cool Milk

Cool Milk are our school milk providers.  School milk is free for all under 5’s and is subsidised for pupils aged 5 or older.  All children in reception are registered by the school in September to receive free milk while they are under 5.  Children will stop receiving free milk a week before their 5th birthday.  Once your child reaches 5, you will need to register your child in order for them to carry on receiving milk and you will be charged at a subsidised rate.  Children who are eligible for free school meals/pupil premium can still receive free milk.

Simply visit the Cool Milk website for full details and click here to register your child online for milk or pick up a registration form from reception and return it to FREEPOST COOL MILK.

  • Milk usually costs around just £15 a term. By registering online, you’ll be able to make a payment straightaway. If however, you return a registration form by post we will send you a payment request.
  • If you register before 5pm on a Tuesday, your child will start receiving milk from the following week.
  • Your child will start to gain all the nutritional benefits from a daily serving of chilled milk in the classroom.