Welcome to Year 6 at Hadrian Academy we hope that you are looking forward to this year.
As you are aware Year 6 is a very busy time for the children. We have plenty of work to do in preparation for SATs as well as our residential and of course graduation.
Your teachers are Mrs Byrne who will teach Dolphin Class and Ms Perkins who will teach Tiger Class.
Our teaching assistants are Mrs Edwards, Mrs MacEwen, Mrs Maitland and Mrs Taylor.
We have P.E lessons on a Tuesday each week. Your child needs to wear their PE kit to school. This will include their house t-shirt, jumper, navy tracksuit bottoms, royal blue shorts and black trainers.
We welcome any questions you have and the best time to catch us is usually after school. Please check your ParentMail account regularly for letters, reminders and upcoming events. Communication is also made via Class Dojo.
We have lots of exciting learning planned for the year! Please see below for more details and click on the curriculum tab.
Please find below a breakdown of homework for children in year 6.
Daily (5 times a week):
Reading (minimum 15 minutes)
Spelling practice (10 new words each week, to be tested on Friday)
Times table practice
Weekly (set on Thursday and due in on Tuesday)
Maths (using MyMaths.com)
Punctuation or Grammar (using SPAG.com)
Lunchtime is from 12.30pm to 1.30pm. A daily register is taken for children to have either a school dinner or packed lunch. School dinners are charged at £2.35 per meal and payments are to be made via your ParentPay account.
Educational Visits
In Year 6 children have the opportunity of going on a residential visit organised through PGL. This is a fabulous experience for the children and is extremely well run by the centre. The children talk about it for years afterwards!
Our very first Year 6 graduation
Curriculum Overviews
Curriculum Newsletter Autumn Term 2
Curriculum Knowledge Organisers
Living things and their habitats